Check Sheet for Control System Audits

Check Sheet for Control System Audits

• Model numbers of components
• Instrument installation
• Communication capability of electronic devices
• Physical condition of instruments, valves, controllers, and wiring
• Valve position, cycling at typical conditions
• Operating procedures, problems, suggestions
• Documentation
• Problems with regulatory control
• Multiple operator interface devices to various systems

  1. The first step of the audit is to review the prerequisites with the auditor.
  2. Perform a physical audit of the systems
  3. Define the gap that exists between the functionality needed and the functionality in the present systems.
  4. Evaluate the upgrades needed to close or eliminate the functional gap using plant standard equipment where applicable.
  5. Evaluate the modifications to the operation and maintenance practices needed with the system upgrades to
    achieve and sustain the project goals.
  6. Make a formal recommendation of the most effective upgrade that will evolve the present systems and supply the functionality needed to achieve the goals of the project
  7. Audit the system performance as compared to the project goals and the agreed-upon project success criteria approximately 6 months after the upgrade project is complete.