Common Industrial Protocol (CIP)

The Common Industrial Protocol (CIP) is an industrial protocol for industrial automation applications. It is supported by ODVA.

Previously known as Control and Information Protocol,

CIP encompasses a comprehensive suite of messages and services for the collection of manufacturing automation applications – control, safety, synchronization, motion, configuration and information. It allows users to integrate these manufacturing applications with enterprise-level Ethernet networks and the Internet.

It is supported by hundreds of vendors around the world, and is media-independent. CIP provides a unified communication architecture throughout the manufacturing enterprise. It is used in EtherNet/IP, DeviceNet, CompoNet and ControlNet.

ODVA is the organization that supports network technologies built on the Common Industrial Protocol (CIP). These also currently include application extensions to CIP: CIP Safety, CIP Motion and CIP Sync.

Common Industrial Protocol (CIP) is a communication protocol suite that is widely used in industrial automation and control systems. It is managed and maintained by the ODVA (Open DeviceNet Vendors Association), an international association of companies that promote and support industrial communication standards.

CIP is designed to facilitate seamless communication and interoperability between various industrial devices and systems.

Common Industrial Protocols

The CIP suite consists of multiple protocols that address different aspects of industrial control and communication. The key protocols within CIP include:

CIP (Common Industrial Protocol): This is the foundational protocol that defines the common object model, messaging services, and network services for communication between devices in the CIP ecosystem.

EtherNet/IP: This protocol is an extension of CIP that enables real-time communication over Ethernet networks. EtherNet/IP allows devices to exchange control data, I/O data, and device diagnostics using standard Ethernet infrastructure.

DeviceNet: DeviceNet is a protocol within CIP that focuses on device-level communication and networking. It is primarily used for connecting sensors, actuators, and other devices in a distributed control system. DeviceNet uses a master/slave architecture and supports both explicit messaging and I/O messaging.

ControlNet: ControlNet is another protocol within CIP that is designed for high-speed control and motion applications. It provides deterministic communication and is often used in applications where high bandwidth and real-time control are required.

Safety over CIP (CIP Safety): CIP Safety is a protocol that ensures the safe operation of machinery and equipment in industrial environments. It enables the exchange of safety-related data and facilitates the implementation of safety functions and devices within a CIP network.

CompoNet: CompoNet is a low-cost, low-speed protocol within CIP that is typically used for connecting simple devices or sensors in smaller-scale automation systems.

CIP protocols are widely adopted in various industries, including manufacturing, automotive, oil and gas, food and beverage, and more. They provide a standardized and interoperable communication framework, allowing devices from different manufacturers to work together seamlessly in an industrial control system. CIP supports different topologies, including point-to-point, daisy-chain, and networked configurations, providing flexibility and scalability in industrial communication systems.

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