Computer Fundamentals Multiple Choice Questions

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Computer Fundamentals Multiple Choice Questions

The below-mentioned multiple choice questions and answers on Computer Fundamentals.

Every Computer essentially consists of:

A. Memory unit, input and output units
B. Control unit, input and output units and memory units
C. Arithmetic logic unit, control unit, output and input units, program counter
D. Arithmetic logic unit, memory unit, control unit, input and output units

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Answer: D

Central Processing Unit (CPU) of a computer consists of:

A. Control and arithmetic logic unit and primary storage
B. Control, clock and ROM
C. Control, clock and RAM
D. Control, ALU, RAM and ROM

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Answer: A

A micropocessor consists of:

A. Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)
B. Memories
C. Input / Output devices
D. All the above

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Answer: A

Floppy disc is a:

B. Fast storage
C. Flexible storage
D. Permanent storage

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Answer: C

Which of the following is high level language:

D. All the above

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Answer: D

The term ‘Operating System’ means:

A. A set of programs which helps to display
B. A set of programs which helps to control computer working
C Set of programs which helps to convert high level instructions to machine level instructions and vise-versa
D. None of the above

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Answer: B

Which of the following is not a magnetic memory:

A. Flip-flop
B. Tape
C. Drum
D. Disk

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Answer: A

RAM is commonly referred to:

A. Solid state memory
B. Core memory
C. Non-volatile memory
D. Read/write memory

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Answer: D

What is the function of the Control Unit in the CPU:

A. Decoding of primary instructions
B. Transfer of data to primary storage
C. Performing logical operations
D. Storage of program instructions

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Answer: A

ROM has a:

A. Decoder followed by encoder
B. Multiplexer followed by decoder
C. Demultiplexer followed by an encoder
D. None of the above

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Answer: A