Flare Flow Measurement

Flaring systems are used to burn-off and dispose of waste, excess or off-gases, and as a safety system to protect processes and equipment. They are found throughout the world in oil and gas processing systems, refineries and petrochemical plants.

Flare flow meters are a critical component used in these systems to monitor, measure and report the gas flows within these systems.

Flare flow meters provide plant operations with a tool to signal abnormal process changes, early leak detection, and report on flared gases to comply with environmental agency reporting.

Selecting Acceptable Flare Measurement Uncertainty

  • Meter error expressed as % of reading or range or both?
  • What does the flow-meter first read – mass, pressure, velocity
  • What is the estimated annual flare quantity & target
  • Are we measuring by volume or mass
  • What are the expected changes in composition / density.
  • How frequently do we operate at the limits – lower & upper?

Image credits: Husain Nuruddin