Measurements & Instrumentation Two Marks Questions

Here you can find the Measurements & Instrumentation Two Marks Questions list which are asked in exams.

Measurements & Instrumentation Questions

2 mark questions


  1. A 0-150V voltmeter has a guaranteed accuracy of 1 percent full-scale reading. The voltage measured by this instrument is 83V. Calculate the limiting error in percent.

  2. Difference between a primary and secondary standard

  3. Significance of measurements

  4. Compare moving coil with moving iron instruments

  5. Which meter is useful for measuring only DC quantities?

  6. Draw the circuit of Wien Bridge and its phasor diagram under balance

  7. Error

  8. Distinguish between attraction and repulsion type instrument

  9. Distinguish between accuracy and precision

  10. Two conditions to be satisfied to make an ac bridge balanced

  11. In a wheatstone bridge, a change of 6 ohm in the unknown arm of the bridge is required to produce a change in deflection of 2.4 mm of the galvanometer. Determine the sensitivity and deflection factor

  12. Basic elements of generalized measurement system

  13. Precision

  14. Measurement and classification

  15. Calibration

  16. Different types of errors

  17. An ac bridge has the following constants. AB=1 kohm, parallel with C=159 nF, BC=I kohm, CD=500 ohm, DA=0.636 microF in series with an unknown resistance. Find the value of the resistance in an DA to produce balance

  18. Draw the circuit of Wien’s bridge and its phasor diagram under balance

  19. Transfer instrument

  20. Basic elements of generalized measurement system

  21. Any four static characteristics of a measuring system

  22. Accuracy

  23. Differentiate zero drift and span drift

  24. Distinguish between active and passive instruments

  25. Advantages of electronic instruments

  26. Basic requirements of measurement

  27. Applications of dynamic characteristics of instruments

  28. Precision is a necessary but not sufficient condition for accuracy. True or false – justify your answer

  29. How is the absolute ampere determined

  30. Standard and different types of standard in measurement

  31. Static error and classification of static error

  32. Define the international standard for ohm


  1. Parameters measured using CRO

  2. Use of delay line

  3. Draw the internal structure of CRT and list its functions

  4. Significant problems with diodes when used for RF rectification

  5. Sweep voltage in an oscillator and where it is applied

  6. Vector meter and applications

  7. Q-meter and applications

  8. Deflection sensitivity (of CRT)

  9. Vector voltmeter and application

  10. What is the velocity of electrons that have been accelerated through a potential of 2000V?

  11. Basic principle of delayed time base oscilloscope

  12. Vector impedance meter and applications

  13. Two significant problems with diodes when used for RF rectification

  14. Applications of CRO

  15. Basic principle behind the working of Q-meter

  16. Two modes of operation of dual trace oscilloscope

  17. Main parts of CRT

  18. How is the electron beam focused to a fine spot on the face of the cathode ray tube

  19. Fluorescence

  20. Principle of dual beam oscilloscope

  21. Principle of sampling oscilloscope

  22. Deflection system is required for dual beam oscilloscope

  23. Characteristics of probes used in CRO

  24. Difference between digital and analog oscilloscopes

  25. Justify – ‘A CRO can be regarded as a X-Y recorder’.

  26. Disadvantages of storage cathode ray tube

  27. Aquadag and its purpose

  28. Internal structure of CRT and list its functions

  29. Applications of digital storage oscilloscope

  30. Need for Q-meter

  31. List the source of error that affect measurement accuracy of Q-meter

  32. Applications of Q-meter


  1. Wave analyzer

  2. Use of attenuator in sine wave generator

  3. Barkhausen criteria for sinusoidal oscillation (sustained oscillation)

  4. Draw the block diagram of spectrum analyzer

  5. Need for isolation between the signal generator output and oscillator and how can be this done

  6. What is the maximum frequency and resolution for an analyzer using a 1.5 s window and a 1500 KHz sample rate?

  7. Classification of signal generators

  8. Harmonic distortion

  9. Requirements of signal generators

  10. What is the dynamic range of a spectrum analyzer if the noise level of the display is equal to -80 dB and two -10 dB signal produce third order intermodulation products that just appear above the noise?

  11. In a sweep frequency generator, two oscillators, one with frequency range of 3 GHz to 5 GHz is heterodyned with a second oscillator having a fixed frequency output of 3 GHz. What is the range of output frequency?

  12. Signal sources and the desirable characteristics of a signal

  13. THD

  14. List different instruments used as signal analyzers

  15. Any four features of sweep frequency generator

  16. Frequency synthesis using indirect method

  17. A signal is sampled for 4 seconds at 20 kHz rate using 10 bit conversion. Calculate the dynamic range, spectral frequency and resolution

  18. How does placing a fixed attenuator ahead of a spectrum analyzer affect the third order intercept and noise figure

  19. Heterodyne principle

  20. Distortion factor (total harmonic distortion)

  21. Harmonic distortion

  22. Use of distortion meter

  23. Spectrum analyzer

  24. Real time spectrum analyzer

  25. Drawbacks of tuned circuit analyzers

  26. Applications of wave analyzers

  27. Difference between network analyzer and spectrum analyzer

  28. Function of an attenuator in a signal generator

  29. Rise time and fall time of a pulse

  30. Draw the simplified block diagram of a sweep frequency generator

  31. Any three applications of frequency synthesizer


  1. Advantages of DVM

  2. Components required for a computer-operated test system

  3. Advantages of digital instruments over analog instruments

  4. Different types of digital voltmeter

  5. A frequency meter with 1 MHz clock source is used for measuring the time period of input wave. Determine the measured time period when 1560 pulses are registered on the display.

  6. Ways to extend the frequency range

  7. A digital frequency counter which has a 3-digit display, gated period of 10 milliseconds, is selected to measure an unknown frequency. The reading is 045. What is the frequency of the system?

  8. Advantages and disadvantages of PDM recording

  9. Need for multiple period measurement

  10. Classification of digital voltmeter

  11. Different guarding techniques used in digital instruments

  12. Resolution and sensitivity of DVM

  13. A digital voltmeter has a read out range from 0 to 9999 counts. Determine the resolution of the instrument in volts when the full scale reading is 9.999 V

  14. Virtual instruments

  15. Requirements of computer controlled systems (automatic test systems)

  16. Draw the block diagram for computer controlled testing for an audio amplifier

  17. Draw the block diagram for computer controlled testing for a radio receiver

  18. Difference between analog and digital instruments

  19. Essential parts of a ramp-type digital voltmeter

  20. Additional features found on individual digital multimeters

  21. Principle of ramp type DVM

  22. How prescalar can be use to extend range of frequency counter

  23. Why period mode preferred for measurement of a very low frequency in a frequency counter

  24. Importance of gate time in frequency counter

  25. How is trigger time error reduced


  1. Data loggers

  2. What is the velocity of light in a glass with an index of refraction of 1.38?

  3. Draw the block diagram of Digital Data Acquisition System

  4. Key features of fully automatic digital instruments

  5. Handshake signals in the IEEE 488 bus system

  6. Applications of OTDR

  7. Data acquisition system

  8. Compare analog and digital data acquisition systems

  9. Numerical aperture

  10. Data acquisition system

  11. How much loss will be experienced if a fiber of numerical aperture of 0.3 is the source for a fiber with a numerical aperture of 0.242?

  12. Basic operating principle of digital tape recording

  13. Three-state bus transceiver

  14. Distinguish between active and passive transducers

  15. List any 4 causes of power loss in fiber-optic cables

  16. Need for multiplexing and how is it classified

  17. Any three instruments used in computer controlled instrumentation

  18. Specify the analog data acquisition systems element

  19. Handshake singles in IEEE 488 bus system

  20. Necessity of digital interface

  21. IEEE 488 bus system

  22. Multiplexing

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