Questions on Pressure Unit Conversions

Convert between the following units of pressure. Remember that any pressure unit not explicitly specified as either absolute (A) or differential (D) is to be considered gauge.

Also, remember those units which always represent absolute pressure, and have no need for a letter “A” suffix!

• 5 PSI vacuum = ??? PSIA
• 25 ”Hg vacuum = ??? PSIA
• 2,800 μ torr = ??? PaA
• −59 ”W.C. = ??? torr
• 4,630 PaA = ??? PSI
• 0.05 atm = ??? ”W.C.
• −3 kPa = ??? atm
• 10 feet W.C. vacuum = ??? ”HgA
• 300 cm Hg = ??? atm
• −2 mm W.C. = ??? bar (absolute)
• 4 atm = ??? ”W.C.A

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5 PSI vacuum = 9.7 PSIA
25 ”Hg vacuum = 2.421 PSIA
2,800 µ torr = 0.3733 PaA
−59 ”W.C. = 649.98 torr
4,630 PaA = −14.028 PSI
0.05 atm = −386.56 ”W.C.
−3 kPa = 0.9704 atm
10 feet W.C. vacuum = 21.103 ”HgA
300 cm Hg = 4.946 atm
−2 mm W.C. = 1.0133 bar (absolute)
4 atm = 1,627.63 ”W.C.A

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