Troubleshooting a Control Valve

Troubleshooting a Control Valve

1.Start with the fail mode of the valve

If the valve fails closed and is leaking

a) Disconnect the positioner or controller input.

b) If the valve has a hand wheel, check to see that it is backed out.

c) Check to see if the bench range is correct.

d) Check to see if there is trash in, or damage to, the valve seat.

2.Next check the positioner.

3.Next check the controller.

Do not rely on the control room to generate signals. Generate your own with equipment that you know is properly calibrated. Do not assume anything.

Remember that control valves only do what you tell them to. Many control valve problems turn out to be a problem somewhere else.

-If you have any query on above or control valves, please write to me in comments.


Buenos dias. Mis comentarios referente a este tema.

1.- revisar el ingreso de aire de instrumento al posicionador ( regularmente en un podicionador DVC6100-6200 input 20-60 PSI)
2.- verificar que la reguladora de presion que se encuentre funcionando correctamente
3.- revision la no existenvia de fugas de aire de instrumento en la conexion de tubing.
4.- verificacion de la alimentacion de corriente adecuado.
5.- verificacion de la comunicacion desde sala de control hacia la valvula
6.- apertura de 0% - 25% - 50% - 75% - 100%. Verificando que este no tenga una desviacion mayor al 0,5%, en caso de que existiera proceder a realizar el autotuning. O un travel calibration.
7.- verificacion del tipo de protocolo de comunicacion del instrumento proyocolo HART , Protocolo Fundation Fieldbus.


Thank You @julio.caero

Translated above message from spanish to English

Good morning. My comments regarding this topic.

1.- check the instrument air intake to the positioner (regularly in a podcaster DVC6100-6200 input 20-60 PSI)
2.- Verify that the pressure regulator is working correctly
3.- revision of the non-existent instrument air leaks in the tubing connection.
4.- Verification of the adequate current supply.
5.- Verification of the communication from the control room to the valve
6.- opening of 0% - 25% - 50% - 75% - 100%. Verifying that this does not have a deviation greater than 0.5%, in case there is to do the auto-tuning. Or a travel calibration.
7.- verification of the type of communication protocol of the HART protocol instrument, Foundation Fieldbus protocol.