PLC Raw Value to engineering units conversion formula

PLC Raw Value to engineering units conversion formula

For example, I have a field device which delivers an analog signal to a PLC which I then have to convert to usable numbers. Here is what I’ve come up with and I would appreciate it, very much, if some of you more knowledgeable folks would check over my work and see if there’s something that I missed.

So let’s get started:

In = Raw input value

Out = Scaled value, in Engineering Units

EU_Max = Engineering Units Maximum Value (i.e. for 0 to 100, this would be 100)

EU_Min = Engineering Units Minimum value (i.e. for 0 to 100, this would be 0)

Raw_Max = Raw value Maximum (i.e. for a 4-20ma signal this would be 20)

Raw_Min = Raw value Minimum (i.e. for a 4-20ma signal this would be 4)

Out = In * ((EU_Max - EU_Min) ÷ (Raw_Max - Raw_Min)) - (Raw_Max * ((EU_Max - EU_Min) ÷ (Raw_Max - Raw_Min)) - EU_Max)

So, in order to simplify things, let’s say that I’m using a level transmitter and I’m working with an analog signal with a range of 4ma to 20ma. My Engineering Units (%) range is 0% (empty) to 100% (full). If I am getting a singal of 12ma from my transmitter my calculation would look like the following;

In = 12

EU_Max = 100

EU_Min = 0

Raw_Max = 20

Raw_Min = 4

12 * ((100 - 0) ÷ (20 - 4)) - (20 * ((100 - 0) ÷ (20 - 4)) - 100)

That would give us a result of 50, which would indicate that our vessel or container is 50% full.

If our analog signal is 8ma it would indicate that our vessel is 25% full.

Now let’s switch things up a bit. Let’s say I’m using a temperature transmitter with a range of 4-20ma. My range for my Engineering Units is 0º to 150º. Let’s assume I’m getting, again, a 12ma signal.

12 * ((150 - 0) ÷ (20 - 4)) - (20 * ((150 - 0) ÷ (20 - 4)) - 150)

If you suspected that we would get a value of 75 you would be correct! So our temperature transmitter is reading 12ma or 75º!

If we change the operating range of our input to -150º to 150º and we’re getting a 12ma signal we would get a result of 0º.

This all seems to be working well. Even when we throw some non-typical numbers at it.

In = 6

EU_Max = 125

EU_Min = 10

Raw_Max = 20

Raw_Min = 0

Out = 44.5

This also seems to work if our ranges are inverse (i.e. Raw_Max < Raw_Min or EU_Max < EU_Min)

In = 8

EU_Max = 0

EU_Min = 100

Raw_Max = 20

Raw_Min = 4

Out = 75

So there you have it. Do you see anything that I’m missing? Any glaring holes in my formula that would cause the math to fail that you notice?


Can be simplified to

Out = EU_Min + (EU_Max - EU_Min) * ((In - Raw_Min) / (Raw_Max - Raw_Min))

And this is called “Linear interpolation”. Nice.